Orthodontics In Trinity, Florida

If you suffer from crooked, uneven, or misaligned teeth, orthodontic treatment can help.

The length of your orthodontic treatment will depend on your individual plan. During your consultation with Dr. Xhoana Gjelaj, we will discuss your options. Once you select your treatment, we will estimate its length.

There are factors that can affect the duration of your treatment. Some of these include:

Early Orthodontic Intervention: If you had early intervention, some steps have already been completed. This may shorten the time you need for this treatment.

Type of Treatment: Depending on your needs, you may have braces, elastics, aligners, or other options. Which treatment you receive will affect its length.

Compliance: Following our instructions will allow your treatment to work more quickly.


Invisalign® is a set of clear removable aligners that are worn over the teeth. These aligners can be removed to allow you to eat, brush, and floss normally. Invisalign® is comfortable, convenient, and easy to use. Straightening with Invisalign® can protect against issues such as crowded, gapped, and misaligned teeth.

Invisalign® is a non-invasive, aesthetic solution for straightening teeth. If your teeth are crowded, gapped, or misaligned, Invisalign® can give you a healthier, more beautiful smile. Invisalign® patients experience less pain, discomfort, and mouth sores than patients with traditional metal braces. Invisalign® also has a lower risk of plaque buildup during treatment since you can remove aligners for proper brushing and flossing.

At Trinity Dental Arts, we can help you achieve a beautiful, healthy smile with our premier orthodontic treatments in Trinity, Florida. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Xhoana Gjelaj, contact our office.

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Once your braces have been taken off, the retention phase begins. It is vitally important to follow through with retention to maintain your newly straight smile after treatment. Your final orthodontic results depend on your retainer, so be sure to keep your appointments with Dr. Xhoana Gjelaj even after your braces have been removed.

There are a few distinct types of retainers that may be recommended to you:

Clear Retainers – A removable, transparent plastic tray that fits over your teeth.

Traditional Retainers – A removable appliance made of acrylic and a wire that sits on the front side of your teeth.

Bonded Retainer – A thin, fixed wire that is temporarily bonded to the lingual (tongue) side of the anterior teeth.

Dr. Xhoana Gjelaj will provide you with the retainer option that is best suited for your orthodontic treatment plan. Your retainer should be worn as often as instructed. Your teeth have been in active treatment for months or even years. Wearing your retainer is crucial for ensuring that your teeth do not shift back out of their corrected positions.

When it is not in your mouth, keep your retainer in its case. Bacteria can build up on your retainer, making it less hygienic and affecting the fit. Regular cleaning to remove these bacteria is a vital part of proper retainer care.

To clean your retainer, brush it gently with a wet toothbrush. Disinfect your retainer by soaking it in a cleansing solution. Thoroughly rinse the appliance with cold or room temperature water before placing it back in your mouth. Hot water can cause the retainer to lose its proper shape and thus should be avoided.


At Trinity Dental Arts, we are pleased to provide orthodontic aligners as a safe, effective, and discreet option for straightening misaligned teeth. You may be able to achieve a healthy, beautiful smile using this non-invasive, aesthetic straightening option.

Traditional orthodontic treatments often include braces, with unattractive metal brackets and bulky silver wires. However, removable aligners are worn over the teeth and can be removed to allow you to eat, brush, and floss normally during your orthodontic treatment. Aligners are a comfortable, convenient, and easy to use solution for straightening your teeth.

Orthodontic aligners provide other health benefits in addition to straightening teeth. Teeth that are crowded, gapped, or misaligned are more difficult to keep properly cleaned and flossed. Over time, this can lead to a higher rate of tooth decay. Crowded and misaligned teeth are also more prone to issues like cracking and wear, due to improper occlusion (bite).

Straightening your teeth with orthodontic aligners can protect against these issues. Additionally, misaligned teeth are more likely to develop periodontal (gum) issues. Orthodontic treatment can help keep gums firm around the teeth, protecting against bacterial infections that can lead to periodontal disease.

By choosing orthodontic aligners to straighten your teeth, you can avoid many of the issues commonly associated with traditional braces. Our patients who choose orthodontic aligner treatment are much less prone to experiencing pain, discomfort, or mouth sores than those with traditional metal braces. Additionally, the ability to remove your aligners to allow proper brushing and flossing, can lead to a reduced rate of plaque buildup and tooth decay.

11105 Trinity Blvd, Trinity, FL 34655

Trinity Dental Arts - Implant and Cosmetic Dentistry



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In a world of corporate takeovers – even in the dental industry – isn’t it nice to know that you can still find excellent patient care that exceeds expectations from a locally owned practice and a world-class doctor supported by a team of dental professionals who pay meticulous attention to detail and patient comfort?

Dr. Xhoana Gjelaj specializes in a full range of dental procedures with special emphasis on Cosmetic Dentistry to Dental Implants Treatments. Working in a state-of-art dental facility with a completely digital workflow, Dr. Gjelaj and her team are prepared to solve the most complex dental problems all under one roof, often in just one day—no need to travel to different offices, meeting with multiple doctors.

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