Having a full and bright smile can make all the difference in your confidence and the quality of your life. However, this may feel like an unattainable dream for those suffering from tooth loss due to injury, decay, or disease. At Fixed New Teeth in Trinity, FL, we have a solution that can restore your smile to its former glory – the implant-supported bridge.

What Is an Implant-Supported Bridge?

An implant-supported bridge is a modern dental device used to replace multiple missing teeth. Unlike traditional bridges, an implant-supported bridge does not rely on surrounding teeth for support. Instead, it is anchored securely onto dental implants which are surgically placed into the jawbone, providing a stable and long-lasting solution.

The Benefits of Implant-Supported Bridges

Durability and Stability: Implant-supported bridges are anchored to dental implants, which fuse with the jawbone. This offers unmatched stability, reducing the risk of slippage, and providing you with a secure bite, allowing you to eat all types of food without worry.

Aesthetics: Modern implant-supported bridges are designed to look and feel like natural teeth. They blend seamlessly with surrounding teeth, giving you a beautiful, natural smile.

Bone Preservation: The presence of implants stimulates the jawbone, preventing the bone loss that typically follows tooth extraction. This stimulation helps to preserve your facial structure.

Improved Dental Health: With an implant-supported bridge, there is no need to grind down healthy adjacent teeth, as is the case with a traditional bridge, making this a less invasive option that preserves more of your natural dentition.

The Procedure

The procedure for an implant-supported bridge typically involves several visits to our office in Trinity, FL. Here’s an overview of what you can expect:

  1. Consultation and Planning: We begin with a thorough examination of your oral health, including X-rays or CT scans as needed, to determine the suitability of implant-supported bridges for your specific condition.

  2. Implant Placement: Dental implants are surgically placed into the jawbone under local anesthesia. The number of implants depends on the number of missing teeth and their location in your mouth.

  3. Healing and Osseointegration: After the implants are placed, a period of healing is required for osseointegration, where the implants integrate with the bone. This process can take several months.

  4. Abutments and Bridge Placement: Once the implants have integrated with the jawbone, abutment posts are attached to them, and the custom-made bridge is then affixed to these abutments.

  5. Recovery and Aftercare: Instructions will be provided for caring for your new implant-supported bridge after the procedure, ensuring optimal healing and long-term success.

Why Choose Us in Trinity, FL?

Our dental clinic is committed to providing state-of-the-art restorative solutions like implant-supported bridges. Our experienced team of dental professionals uses the latest technologies and techniques to ensure the best outcomes for our patients. We take the time to listen to your concerns and design a personalized treatment plan tailored to meet your unique needs and desires for your smile.

Start Your Journey to a Confident Smile

Don't let tooth loss hold you back any longer. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and find out if an implant-supported bridge is right for you. Our compassionate team is here to guide you through every step of the way towards achieving the smile you've always wanted.For a healthier, happier, and fuller smile in Trinity, FL, turn to the experts in implant-supported bridges – because everyone deserves a smile they can be proud of.

“All-on-4”, “Teeth in a Day”, and FiXed New Teeth™, are terms used to describe a procedure that allows patients to receive replacement teeth in just one day. You may hear of other versions of this procedure, such as “Teeth in an Hour,” “Dental Implants in One Day,” “Teeth In One Day,” “Teeth In One Visit.” While they go by many names, all refer to a one-day implant treatment that restores an entire or full arch of replacement teeth.

The Teeth-in-a-Day or FiXed New Teeth™, treatment concept utilizes 4-6 dental implants to attach your new set of permanent replacement teeth in a minimally invasive way. The dental implants used in this procedure are specially designed for immediate function and typically do not require bone grafting. This treatment is attractive for those patients with dentures or who need full upper and/or lower restorations. If you are about to lose your teeth or have many missing teeth, the full-arch procedure can help you achieve a beautiful smile and teeth in just one day.

Unlike other approaches that involve more laborious and costly techniques often requiring bone grafting, sinus lifts, and eight or more implants per arch, which can take up to 3 years to complete treatment, our doctors use this proven technique that involves only using four specially placed implants without the need for bone grafts and sinus lifts. Your new dentures can be completed in just one day.

The result is a solid base of teeth that are fixed in place and are not removed. It means lower costs and reduced healing times, allowing our patients to regain their original youthful smile and original function faster, more reliably.

Ready To Restore Your Smile?

Take this 15-second quiz to see if dental implants are right for you!

What is the process for getting Full-Arch Implants?

4-6 appliances are placed into the jawbone and gums and left to heal sufficiently before the implant bridge can be secured in place. Once implanted, your bridge will resemble the appearance of your natural teeth. Your bridge may need to be removed for periodic evaluation to ensure the health of prosthetic and implants.

As with all Dental Implants, full-arch Dental Implants are placed during an outpatient surgical procedure in our office. Most patients will want to take advantage of some sort of sedation for this procedure, in addition to the local anesthetic that will be used.

Before leaving our office, you are fitted with a fixed complete denture. After the implants have fully integrated with the bone, you may return to receive a second, stronger denture.

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11105 Trinity Blvd, Trinity, FL 34655

Trinity Dental Arts - Implant and Cosmetic Dentistry



World-class dentistry right in your neighborhood.

In a world of corporate takeovers – even in the dental industry – isn’t it nice to know that you can still find excellent patient care that exceeds expectations from a locally owned practice and a world-class doctor supported by a team of dental professionals who pay meticulous attention to detail and patient comfort?

Dr. Xhoana Gjelaj specializes in a full range of dental procedures with special emphasis on Cosmetic Dentistry to Dental Implants Treatments. Working in a state-of-art dental facility with a completely digital workflow, Dr. Gjelaj and her team are prepared to solve the most complex dental problems all under one roof, often in just one day—no need to travel to different offices, meeting with multiple doctors.


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