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Do Dental Implants Last Forever? Debunking Myths and Realistic Expectations

March 25, 20243 min read

Dental implants have become the gold standard in restorative dentistry when it comes to replacing missing teeth. With their natural look and feel, it's no wonder many patients at Fixed New Teeth in Trinity, FL, and beyond are opting for this modern solution. However, some myths and misconceptions about the longevity of dental implants persist. In this blog, we'll separate fact from fiction and set clear expectations for those considering this life-changing dental procedure.

Understanding Dental Implants

Before we jump into their lifespan, it's important to understand what dental implants are. A dental implant is a titanium post that acts as an artificial tooth root, which is surgically placed into the jawbone beneath the gums. Once in place, a crown, bridge, or denture is mounted atop the implant to create a natural-looking and -functioning tooth.

The Longevity of Dental Implants

Do dental implants last forever? To answer simply, while not truly "forever," dental implants can last a very long time, with the potential to last a lifetime. Here's why they are considered a long-term solution:

Materials and Structure              

The titanium used in dental implants is highly compatible with the human body, which allows for osseointegration (the bonding of the implant with the bone). Given the robust framework and the strength of the materials, if cared for properly, the implant itself can remain intact for decades.

Oral Hygiene and Maintenance

The key to longevity in dental implants is much like with natural teeth—proper oral hygiene. Regular brushing and flossing, coupled with routine dental check-ups, can extend the life of an implant significantly. Neglecting oral hygiene can lead to peri-implantitis, a form of gum disease that can compromise implants.

Lifestyle Choices and General Health

Smoking, poor diet, and other unhealthy lifestyle choices can impair the body's healing process and may decrease the longevity of dental implants. Additionally, conditions such as osteoporosis can affect bone density and strength, potentially jeopardizing the stability of an implant.

Debunking the Myths

Now that we’ve established that dental implants are designed for long-term use, let’s debunk some common myths.

Myth 1: Dental Implants Are Indestructible

While incredibly durable, dental implants are not indestructible. They can be damaged just like natural teeth—if you bite down on something hard, for example. The crown attached to the implant may need replacement over time due to normal wear and tear.

Myth 2: Dental Implants Require No Maintenance

This is absolutely false. Just like natural teeth, implants require consistent oral hygiene and dental visits to check for any complications or adjustments.

Myth 3: Once You Get an Implant, There's No More Dental Work Needed

Implants might need adjustments, and the artificial teeth placed on them will eventually wear out and need replacement. It's essential to continue regular dental check-ups to handle any issues promptly.

Setting Realistic Expectations

For residents of Trinity, FL, looking into dental implants, it’s important to have realistic expectations about the procedure and its results.

The Procedure

Implant surgery is a multi-step process. After the initial implant placement, there is a period of healing (usually a few months) before the permanent crown or prosthesis is attached. During this time, the patient may be given a temporary crown.

The Healing

Everyone heals at a different rate. Factors such as age, general health, and the density of the jawbone all come into play. Successful osseointegration is critical for implant longevity.

The Outcome

Patients can expect a functional, strong, and visually appealing solution to missing teeth. However, individuals need to continue dental care routines and advise their dentist of any changes in their oral health immediately.

Choose Fixed New Teeth in Trinity

At Fixed New Teeth, we pride ourselves on being one of the preferred providers of fixed new teeth in Trinity, FL. We hope this blog has helped debunk some misconceptions about dental implants and set realistic expectations for those considering this solution. Our team is happy to answer any further questions you may have. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a new, confident smile.

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